Waste Podcasts

Podcast of the month: The Circular Economy Show

This month’s podcast recommendation comes in the form The Circular Economy Show, a podcast by the Ellen McArthur Foundation. Having listened to a fair few episodes by now, the format of short ‘burst’ episodes makes for quick, informative listening. So far, no episode is longer than 20 minutes, making them very ‘to-the-point’ and for that,…

Podcast of the month: Rubbish Talk

At present, the waste industry seems to be peppered with insightful and informative podcasts; having discovered another gem, I thought it was worth sharing. The latest one to have joined my roster is the Rubbish Talk podcast by Albion Environmental Ltd, hosted by waste professionals Alasdair Meldrum and Jane Bond. Each week, the podcast follows…

Podcast of the month: The Beyond Waste Podcast (by CIWM)

Podcasts are a big love of mine. They’re a great way to digest information, without the need to necessarily sit down and take time out of your busy day. I’m always searching for new podcasts to listen to, and I recently came across a brand-new one by the Chartered Institute of Waste Management (CIWM)! If…